
louie.lou – Ljusår

Using the organ as the main instrument combined with field recordings, loop-pedals, synthesizer, and voice Louise Ölund creates diverse soundscapes where darkness and light coexist. The creative process is often about finding the balance between control and chaos, and through that create non-linear soundscapes that move between art music and electroacoustic compositions.

The starting points of these compositions are often thematic and partly revolves around the domesticated human. It approaches the thought of wiping out the boundary between human and animal. But also the perspective: of being an observer of this, an observer of civilization. To be in the borderland, at the edge of the forest.
Furthermore, it revolves around life and death. Not focusing on the beginning or ending of it all, but rather the thought of eternity. To be human, a plant, an animal or matter as a part of this eternity.
With these thoughts as starting points, comes the aspiration for total creative freedom and investigation of what music and sound can be.

About louie.lou
Behind the artist name louie.lou is musician Louise Ölund from the village of Drömme in Ångermanland, Sweden, now living in Umeå.
With a background in punk and folk music, she has spent the past four years focusing on composing music that lies at the intersection of sound art and electroacoustic music (EAM). The free approach within sound art became the gateway, and experimenting with various instruments, both analog and digital, laid the foundation for Louise’s magical soundscapes.
In 2022, she made her solo debut with the cassette Försvinnaren on the cassette label Do You Dream Of Noise?

releases October 11, 2024

All music written and produced by Louise Ölund
Mastered by Joakim Westlund
Artwork and photography: Johan Dahlroth
Cat nr: lamour184
Format: Stream, CD & cassette

Buy CD at: Lamour Record Stores / Bengans
Buy cassette at: Lamour Record Store

louie.lou. Photo: Johan Dahlroth


Best albums of 2024 – Loop Magazine

Louise Ölund aka louie.lou es una artista sonora sueca que vive en el norte de Suecia. quien toca el órgano como instrumento principal, junto a grabaciones de campo, pedales en loop, sintetizador y voz. Su nuevo y cuarto álbum “Ljusår”, editado por el sello sueco Lamour Records, contiene ocho temas en los que transitan paisajes sonoros sombríos; con influencias en la tradición folk y la música religiosa. Navegan entre el arte sonoro y la música electroacústica con instrumentos análogos y dispositivos digitales.”
Read full post at: https://loop.cl/louie-lou-2-interview/

15 Questions
“A Great Presence”
Read full post at: https://15questions.net/interview/fifteen-questions-interview-louielou/page-1/

Chain DLK
“Louise Ölund’s approach is fearless in its honesty. Her compositions are not merely songs – they are ecosystems, teeming with textures and life. Recorded under the shadow of eternity yet deeply grounded in the present, “Ljusår” carries the listener to a place of quiet wonder. Ölund’s use of the organ, an instrument with ecclesiastical gravitas, contrasts beautifully with her avant-garde sensibilities, creating a tension that mirrors her thematic explorations of life and death, civilization and wilderness.”
Read full post: https://www.chaindlk.com/reviews/12405

Audion Magazine
“Quite an unclassifiable release, partly synth, partly minimalist, partly folk, and the type of things that only comes from Scnadinavia.”

Mudo Urbano
“With Ljusår, Louise Ölund, known as louie.lou (Umeå, Sweden), has created an exceptional and boundary-pushing masterpiece. The album is a sonic revelation, fusing the haunting resonance of the organ with evocative field recordings, synthesizers, loop pedals, and her mesmerizing voice. This daring release doesn’t simply blur the lines between art music and electroacoustic experimentation – it completely transcends them.”
Read full post at: https://mundourbano.blogspot.com/2024/11/louielou-ljusar-lamour-records.html?

Loop Music Magazine
“louie.lou produces immersive music with its dreamy ambient pads that take us back to our own time, while the neat and dour organ takes us on a journey to a bygone era.”
Read full post: https://loop.cl/louie-lou/

SilenceAnd Sounds
“Fermez les yeux et laissez vous gagner par les mélodies envoûtantes de Louise Ölund aka louie.lou, plongée dans un espace où le monde se referme sur nos sens, pour laisser entrevoir les chemins possibles vers notre animalité mouvementée.”
Read full post at: https://silenceandsound.me/2024/11/19/louie-lou/

Anxious Magazine
“Używając organów jako głównego instrumentu w połączeniu z field recordings, loop-pedals, syntezatorem i głosem Louise Ölund tworzy różnorodne pejzaże dźwiękowe, w których ciemność i światło współistnieją. Proces twórczy często polega na znalezieniu równowagi między kontrolą a chaosem, dzięki czemu powstają nieliniowe pejzaże dźwiękowe, które poruszają się między muzyką artystyczną a kompozycjami elektroakustycznymi.”
Read full post: https://anxiousmagazine.pl/premiery/louie-lou-ljusar/

”   Le titre du disque, Ljusår, signifie « Années-lumière », c’est là qu’elle se tient, pour « commencer une fin » (“En början ett slut”, titre 1) Presque huit minutes d’orgue profond, voilé, en longues notes tenues, avec au premier plan dans la première moitié un motif de synthétiseur (?) en boucle. C’est quelque chose qui s’en va, qui n’en finit pas de sombrer. Magnifiquement sombre, de la musique gothique qui se drape dans les noirs !…”
Read full post: https://inactuelles.over-blog.com/2024/11/louie.lou-ljusar.html

Blow Up Magazine
“in questo disco…”


Årsbästa 2024 – Elektroniskt i P4
Played: En början ett slut
Listen: https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/arsbasta-2024


Elektroniskt i P2
Played: En början ett slut
Listen: https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/forkortningar-chbb-deftr

P3 Mix med Safir Yosufi 24-10-28
Played: Grönskan
Listen: https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/p3-klubbmixskon-vag-4-med-samir-yosufi

WFMU – 91.1FM (NYC) / 90.1FM (Hudson Valley) – 02.12.2024
Played: En början ett slut

Bepi Crespan Presents – Episode January 11, 2025
Played: Evighetssyster & Gryning/Skymningsljus
Listen: https://www.citr.ca/radio/bepi-crespan-presents/episode/20250111-1/

Freies Radio Neumünster 100,8 – Doctore Xyramat – 11.11.2024
Played: Evighetssyster

Paranoise Radio – Doctore Xramat – 18.11.2024
Played: Grönskan

Radio Regent – The Moderns – 17.11.2024
Played: Gryning/Skymningsljus

FSK 93.00 Hamburg – Doctore Xyramat – 08.11.2024, 22.00-23.00
Played: En början ett slut

Totally Radio – EarSpace 16 – 07.11.2024
Played: Evighetssyster
Listen: www.totallyradio.com/shows/earspace/episodes/earspace-07-nov-2024#_

CiTR – 101.9FM Vancouver – Bepi Crespan Presents
Played: Evighetssyster

ITALIAN NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY RAI 3 – Battiti 30.10.2024, 0.00 – 1.30 am
Played: Evighetssyster
Listen: www.raiplaysound.it/audio/2024/10/Battiti-del-30102024-d4ac590c-eae7-4bdd-97a5-5054299a9383.html

ITALIAN NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY RAI 3 – Battiti 02.11.2024, 0.00 – 1.30 am
Played: En början, ett slut

CiTR – 101.9FM Vancouver – Bepi Crespan Presents
Played: Evighetssyster

Eldoradio – Dortmund 93.00 – Klangwelten – 22.10.2024, 20:00
Played: De flygande

Radio Mercure 93.00 – Electronic Therapy – 11.10.2024, 21.00
Played: Evighetssyster
www.radiomercure.fr http://electronic-therapy.over-blog.com

Byte FM – Hamburg 91.7 & 104.0 – Knuspern – 13.10.2024 – 22:00 – 23:00
Played Nya fält

RCV Lille 99.0 – El Réanimator #1542 – 11 octobre 2024
Played: Evighetssyster

WFMU – 91.1FM (NYC) / 90.1FM (Hudson Valley) – 07.10.2024
Played: Evighetssyster