AKB’s debut album Marianergraven has been celebrated since its release earlier this year. The album has attracted far and wide attention, not least in European press and radio. Now it’s time to dive even deeper into the grave and let the sound waves get minimized, maximized and mixed up with beats!
Through six remixes from international well known Johanna Knutsson to local dubtechno via [krig]
Go enjoy yet another moment below the surface!
1 – Skymningszonen (Johanna Knutssons Gryningenversion)
2 – Sedimentär (Singular Remix)
3 – Tropikerna (Kajsa Lindgren Remix)
4 – Sedimentär (Radioland Remix)
5 – Svallvågen (Oestergaards Remix)
6 – Öbågen ([krig] MB[k] cavedrummix)
Mastered by Joakim Westlund
Artwork by Ida Long (photo/digital fx), Nanna Amoruso Kokko (makeup)
Cat. nr: lamour124dig

Music Dnace When You Sleep
“Intricately starting with a close-miced sound of a tape recorder, the composition patiently begins to invite a living array of synth drones scooping the entire spectrum of sound frequencies.”
Read full post at: https://www.musicdanceswhenyousleep.com/post/akb-tropikerna-remix-by-kajsa-lindgren-from-the-nordic-queen-of-cosmic-soundscapes-with-lov
Ear Tapas
““Tropikerna” by AKB recently was remixed by Kajsa Lindgren. The warm textures and ambiance really help the song stand out. I for one really enjoy the progressions and overall feeling here. It’s a perfect song to meditate to.”
Read full post: https://eartapas.tumblr.com/post/625898333116006400/tropikerna-by-akb-recently-was-remixed-by-kajsa