
Anna Eriksson – Ghost Inside Ghost – released september 9th

The composer Anna Eriksson from Gothenburg releases her second disc of contemporary chamber music. The title track “Ghost Inside Ghost,” has given name to both the disc and the ensemble made up of musicians from Gothenburg, profiled in contemporary and experimental music.
Buy the CD at Lamour Record Store

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On the new album, Anna Eriksson (born 1963) collected some of her former commissioned works and processed them for four musicians she worked with a lot over the years. The ensemble, with the same name as the album, consisting of My Hellgren, cello, Åsa Nordgren, soprano,  Anna Svensdotter, flute and Sara Sjödahl, prepared piano and accordion.

The suite “Ghost Ghost Inside ” is inspired by a few bars of Beethoven’s Piano Trio in D major, the so-called ” Spöktrion “. The different rates are meant to be played inside Beethoven’s works, but can also stand alone. The piece “Elementary Particles” was included in the concert installation “Between Micro and Macro” from 2012, with the text reproducing universe smallest components. “Ping and Pong” was originally written for piano and soprano recorder, with pingpong balls as clang expression. “Cirrus stratus” was included in the theatrical work “En flygvärdinnas sånger”, where the text is made up of the Latin words on cloud formations . The work “Sutra” is a line from the Buddhist Diamantsutrank, processed and bulldozed down.

– There is a root system of the ramifications of the various works, says Anna Eriksson, although the surface can sound very different. Some bars, or ideas is always hanging there from one piece into another. I usually make the comparison with my grandmother’s cuisine: she made dinner of yesterday’s leftovers, which in turn was made on the leftovers from the day before.

Anna Eriksson has written commissioned works for a variety of ensembles and soloists, and music has been expressed both in Sweden and abroad. Works for Sinfonietta, brass, percussion, guitar and choir intermingled with musical and sound art. Portrait album “Moose imitating moss” ( C- Y Records) with music for cello and guitar came out in 2009. She received the 2012 ”Carin Malmlöf Forsling” composer award.

Artwork by Dan Fröberg

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Gefle Dagblad (Camilla Dal) 4/5 GD4av5
“Resultatet är ömsom roligt och medryckande, ömsom gripande och skört. De korta styckena binds raffinerat ihop, trots att inspirationen kommer från så vitt skilda håll som Beethovens ”Spöktrio”, elementarpartiklar, ping-pongbollar, moln och den buddhistiska Diamantsutran.”
Read full post at: http://www.gd.se/noje/musik/anna-eriksson-undersoker-manniskovarats-villkor-pa-albumet-ghost-inside-ghost

Universum noll
“Rasslande, fjärran, nära och ibland bedårande vackert.”
Read full post at: http://www.universumnoll.com/