Welcome to a relaxed and electric night at Fylkingen! Eclectic and synthetic, melodic and improvised.
March 20th 19.30 – 01.00
Artists: Graham Dunning (UK)
Ulf Ivarsson
Yair Etziony and Sivan Zeimer – Live AV (IL/DE)
Sound Quartet (Thomas Bjelkeborn, Eva Lindahl & Martin Jonsson Tiblin)
Nano Ona
+ DJ Lisa & Kroffe
Torkelknutssongatan 2, 118 25 Stockholm (Karta på Eniro)
Entrance 100kr
Only payment by card in entrance and the bar.
Graham Dunning is self-taught as an artist and musician having studied neither discipline academically. His live work explores sound as texture, timbre and something tactile, drawing on bedroom production, tinkering and recycling found objects. He also creates visual work, video and installations drawing on these themes.
Much of the work evolves through experimentation with different processes: considering the methods by which sounds become music; process as a continuum encompassing both improvisational and procedural methods; and testing analogous processes across different media.
Graham has performed solo and in ensembles across the UK, Europe and Canada, and exhibited in the UK, Europe, New Zealand and USA. He teaches Experimental Sound Art at the Mary Ward Centre in London and also gives various independent workshops. He has released through Entr’acte, Seagrave, Tombed Visions and more.
Ulf Ivarsson. One of Sweden’s most acclaimed bassists and Grammys winners (producer ‘Thåström – “kärlek är för dom”, “beväpna dig med vingar” and “Den morronen”) and collaborations with, among others, Bill Laswell (Material, Herbie Hancock, PIL, Mick Jagger), Youth (Killing Joke, The Orb, The Verve) and Mick Harris (Napalm Death, Scorn, Lull) release his solo debut with the album ‘Lower Zone’.
With electric bass and various electronics, Ulf creates magical sound worlds somewhere between dark ambient and industrial.
The idea for this solo project came up in 2015 when Ulf decided to challenge himself in a way he had never done before: to go up on stage, alone with electric bass, effects, loop pedals and a wall of amplifiers without knowing what to do.
A blank paper, what happens can happen based on what instinct and impulse decide together with the technology and the instrument. Improvisation with elements of ambient, dub and free form.

No matter what hat he wears; producer, composer, curator or label owner, Yair Etziony was one of driving forces in Israeli electronic music scene. Over the years he released music in Germany, Canada, Great Britain Sweden and Japan (in labels such Spekk, Interchill, Freizeitglauben, Lamour and many more).
Nano Ona
Sound Quartet

Event i samarbete med Fridays Push