From a dense fog, you step out of the forest and meet a coastline that draws the line between the infinity of the sea and the density of the forest. In the dream of the secret of the place, there are no boundaries or security, only you and your fight against the demons of the night.
In the middle of the borderland between dream and reality, the two extremes meet, morgondimma (morning fog) and nattdimma (night fog), both emotionally and sonically. The two pieces have also been surely transformed into their own idiosyncratic versions, signed Catterfly’s folktronic tones and Niels Gordon’s magical synth worlds.
Mastered av Joakim Westlund
Artwork by RolfCarlWerner
Cat nr: lamour141dig
Digital distribution via Aloaded

Zero Music Magazine
“Förutom att vara en uppskattad house-DJ, som vänt plattor över hela världen, har Slim Vic även skrivit musik för teateruppsättningar, ljudsatt hockeyarenor, ägnat sig åt dark ambient och drivit ett framgångsrikt skivbolag.”
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