Tomas Järmyr is exploring the deep frequencies of metal. Using only cymbals, Järmyr creates a slowly rotating musical sphere that holds beauty, deep emotion, and fierce heaviness.
”Entrails” is an album that shows the core of his artistic expression and serves as the perfect introduction to Tomas Järmyr as a solo artist.
Born in Sandviken Sweden but based in Trondheim Norway, Tomas has toured and released records with bands such as Motorpsycho, Yodok and Zu. In 2014, Lamour Records released the album No Way Black together with the acclaimed composer Eirik Havnes. Now Tomas is back at Lamour and we are proud to work with one of Sweden’s most skilled percussionists as a solo artist.
Buy vinyl at: Lamour Record Stores / Bengans / Bandcamp
Buy CD at: Lamour Record Stores / Bengans /Bandcamp

Live sound and recording: Håkon Dalen
Mixing: Tomas Järmyr
Mastering: Dirk Serries
Photography: Endre Forbord
Typography: Marte Vik Eriksen
Cover Design: Per Spjøtvold & Tomas Järmyr
Cat. nr: lamour191
Releasedate stream and CD: June 17, 2024. Vinyl: December 13, 2024.
Published with support from the Swedish Arts Council

Chain D.L.K.
As the track progresses, these frequencies deepen. The sound swells, folds, and ripples in a way that feels almost alive. The metallic clangs are transformed into meditative drones that coexist with moments of violent dissonance, creating a sonic landscape that seems to breathe in tandem with the listener. JÄrmyr expertly manipulates the sound by varying pressure, velocity, and distance from the cymbals, generating a tactile response from the listener’s surroundings, akin to a magnetic field. It’s a piece that demands your full attention, and in return, it presents a visceral, almost spiritual engagement with the most elemental aspects of sound.
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The New Noise
“Una prima prova pregevole: questo non è una sorpresa, vista l’esperienza acquisita da Järmyr negli anni tra improvvisazione, attività dal vivo e percorsi condivisi con artisti di assoluto livello.”
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“Le toucher est toujours délicat malgré l’intensité qu’il cherche à développer, le jeu est subtil et enivrant, caressant ou frappant les cymbales pour en extraire des nappes fuyantes à la beauté méditative. Sublime.”
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Salt Peanuts
“The 38-minute title piece extends the spirit of the ritualist, mysterious drones of YODOK. Järmyr explores the deep frequencies of a close set of metallic cymbals with drumsticks and mallets, often attaching one cymbal to another to intensify the resonant effects. He patiently and methodically, with commanding focus and control, creates a deep layer of gong-like overtones by caressing the cymbals with the mallets. These overtones form vulnerable yet meditative waves of resonating sounds, with a deep emotional effect, and Järmyr cleverly leads this meditative drone to its cathartic climax.”
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African Paper
“Hintergrund eine dröhnende Basis aufbaut. Diese Grundlage, ebenfalls durch subtile Berührungen des Metalls erzeugt, tritt im Verlauf des Stücks immer mehr in den Vordergrund, sorgt für Spannung und führt zu einer fast lärmigen Kulmination gegen Ende. In der digitalen Version des Albums sind zusätzlich zwei kürzere Exzerpte enthalten. Geboren in Sandviken, Schweden, und heute in Trondheim, Norwegen, ansässig, hat Tomas Järmyr bereits mit renommierten Bands wie Motorpsycho, Yodok und Zu zahlreiche Alben eingespielt. 2014 veröffentlichte er zusammen mit dem Komponisten Eirik Havnes das Album “No Way Black” bei Lamour Records. Nun kehrt er als Solokünstler zum Label zurück.”
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“Da du trodde du hadde hørt “alt”, så dukker det opp noe spennende som de aller, aller færreste har hørt maken til noen gang. Det sørger den svorske trommeslageren Tomas Järmyr for.”
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Indie Rock Mag
“Composé d’un seul et unique morceau de 38 minutes, Entrails passe par plusieurs mouvements successifs : crescendo de cymbales en échos, drone mystique et entêtant dont la résonance emplit tout l’espace, ambient aux percussions éparses sur fond de réverbération sans fin d’un coup de cymbale dans un no man’s land sonique, et enfin grondement de l’instrument jusqu’à la tempête sous un crâne. Vous l’aurez compris, c’est très atmosphérique, pas du tout le genre de disque que doivent s’imaginer de la part d’un batteur les férus de rock, metal et compagnie et ça tombe plutôt bien, ici on préfère l’immersion à la démonstration. Surprenant, et surtout captivant de bout en bout !”
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“La sua Entrails (2024), una dissertazione di 38 minuti per soli cymbals (i piatti della batteria), costituisce di fatto il suo primo album solista in svariati anni d’attività. La prima sezione, ma più un preludio di 7 minuti, è una trance ipnotica-zen accelerata basata su un assolo di tintinnii, un festival di risonanze acute, un virtuosismo di pattern minimalisti via via sempre più accentuato d’aura mistica (un crescendo di batacchi, gong e campane). “
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