“I was listening to the “Berliner Philharmoniker” playing a requiem while my smartphone was getting a message every minute about our dead production systems. Later that night, I started writing the first piece of the lament”.
In his 11th release, the veteran composer creates what seems like his most emotional album to date: life, death, unsustainable capitalism, and the crushed hopes of hypermodernity are all mixed into a narrative that examines desolation and demise.
In the last couple of years, Berlin started to become one of the main hubs for startups in Europe. Some people coined the term “Silicon Allee” and claim that it’s the new Silicon Valley. As a veteran IT expert, Etziony started working in a relatively famous startup in the summer of 2018. From the moment he entered the office, it was evident to him that something was wrong.
A failed startup has a particular spirit. If you have been to one or two in the past, you can sense it all around you, the decadence, the cynicism, those who are always on phone calls outside the office, gossiping, and some other recurring patterns. For a couple of months, he recorded and wrote music about what he has seen, how an organism or phenomena is slowly stopped, and what it means for many aspects that are its building blocks: technology, business, people, and last but not least, the culture.
The track titles represent the same theme, and it’s either technical commands to close and shut down the systems, quotes from other workers, or maybe the feeling and the happening in a dying startup. Etziony is asking, what is the soul of a startup or an organization? Is it just mere capitalistic phenomena? Or does it convey much more when you become part of it? Can you feel the crashed hopes of hypermodernity? In that aspect, he might look at this album as a “requiem for a dying startup.”
Using a plethora of analog and digital instruments, Etziony would be back from work and write a new part based on his day’s experience. Each day would expose more of the demise and the ruins he would see. Some were technical, and some were humanistic or cultural. Darkness is looming almost in any corner over the records. It seems that Etziony took his dystopian compositions further down the line into an even darker and desolate place than usual.
“Git remote rm all” brings to mind works of artists such as Thomas Koner and Deathprod with its dark glacier drones that slowly turn in lush emotional strings. “Kubectl delete pod” feels a bit like an industrial version of Tangerine Dream Zeit with hints of My Bloody Valentine’s “To Here Knows When.” “Init0” might be the most emotional tune fusing 80s horror movies soundtracks, with a bit of “Moon” OST from Clint Mansel.
In ENXIO, Etziony is leaning towards modern composition with lush string arrangements that sound very crisp with analog modular synths. Deep inside the desolation and the demise that he usually presents, one can find a bit of acceptance and even consolation.
ENXIO — “No such device or address.” Error code #6
All music by Yair Etziony at The Handwerker Raum, Neukölln Berlin 2018.
Yair Etziony: Modular Synths, Roland SH101, Roland MC202, Spectrasonics Omnisphere.
Artwork by Yair Etziony
Mastered by Manes at Salz Mastering
Design by Tubi Sound&Vision
Cat. nr: lamour143dig

Producer, composer, curator, label owner, techno DJ, leader of psychedelic rock bands and IT expert. Etziony studied bass and music theory with Shmuel Aroch and Arie Wollinez. He is influential in the Israeli electronic music scene, now living in Berlin he keeps releasing deep electronic music under various monikers.
Since 2010 he has run False Industries, a record label specializing in electronica and experimental music. He released in the past in labels such as : Neo Ouija, Interchill, Spekk, and Seasides on Postcards.
“Seuls deux morceaux contiennent une véritable rythmique, dont Living Cells In A Dead Body, assez logiquement positionné au milieu du long-format. Avec leurs pulsations assez entraînantes, ils redonnent un semblant d’espoir au milieu de titres plus sombres et travaillés, et permettent même de faire le pont, sur Job Interviews, avec ces accointances dub régulièrement croisées chez Yair Etziony, musicien qui, nonobstant une fréquence de production assez élevé, parvient à garder une singularité et à se renouveler.”
Read full post at: http://etherreal.com/spip.php?article6352
“Does this mean this is a sad and depressing album? For Etziony himself, perhaps, as he worked there and the experience probably meant he would be out of work soon. But even while the soundscapes can be desolate (at times referring to the work of Thomas Köner, Deathprod, and Clint Mansell), there’s always beauty found hidden within it, too.”
Read full post at: https://www.ambientblog.net/2021-05/nthng-etziony/
Groove.de – Motherboard: März 2021
“Vermutlich werden nicht wenige der hier erwähnten digital-elektronischen Produzentinnen und Produzenten nicht direkt von ihrer Musik leben können und ihre Existenz zum Beispiel mit Programmieren oder Systemadministration absichern. Dass sie ihre musikalische Inspiration direkt aus diesem Broterwerb ziehen, dürfte dagegen eher selten passieren. Der Berliner Produzent und False-Industries-Labelbetreiber Yair Etziony hat auf ENXIO (Lamour Records, 5. März) seine Erfahrungen als IT-Experte in einem Berliner Startup verarbeitet, einer dieser grandiosen Ideenschmieden, die relativ flott grandios gescheitert sind. Das Album ist also ein Nachruf, ein Nekrolog, Elegie einer sterbenden Softwareschmiede mit den Mitteln von orchestralem, neoklassisch inspiriertem Dark Ambient. Ein ungewöhnlicher und interessanter Ansatz, um mit Musik persönlich zu werden. ”
Read full post at: https://groove.de/2021/03/24/motherboard-maerz-2021/5/
Beat Magazine – Musiktipps aus dem Netz
“Der Wahl-Berliner legt schon seit elftes Album vor. An Tempo in Sachen Releases mangelt es dem emsigen Sound-Tüftler also nicht. Interessanterweise verarbeitet er hier persönliche Erfahrungen in der Arbeitswelt als IT-ler in einem von vorne- herein zum Scheitern verurteilten Startup.”
T-Experte in einem Start-up zu arbeiten. Die Erfahrungen, die er dort gemacht hat, verarbeitet er auf seinem elften Album ENXIO, das er selbst als „Requiem für ein ster- bendes Start-up“ bezeichnet. In diesem Abgesang auf den Hyper- kapitalismus aus Elektronik, analo- gen Synthies und Streicherarran- gements herrschen die Drones, erst zur zweiten Hälfte von ENXIO setzen ausgerechnet im Track mit dem Horrorfilm-Titel „Living Cells In A Dead Body“
Radio Klara – Late Night Shift – 04.03.2021, 22:00 – 24:00
Played: ENXIO
Listen: http://radio.klara.be
Radio Radio – 104.5 FM Calgary, Alberta
Played: It´s a graveyard
Source 96.1 FM – This is not a Disco (long form edition) – 26.03.2021, 21.30
Played: Git remote RM Main
France Musique – L’Expérimentale – 21.03.2021, 23:30
Played: Terraform Destroy All
Source 96.1 FM – Random Jukebox (Bonus Beats Mix) – 12.03.2021, 21.30
Played: Living Cells in a Dead Body
Urgent FM 105.3 – Icarus, 14.03.2021
Played: Git remote RM Main
Radio Radio – 104.5 FM Calgary, Alberta
Played: Living Cells in a Dead Body
Radio Gwendolyne – Argonauta 09.03.2021
Played: Silent talks in dark corridors and It´s a graveyard
Eldoradio – Dortmund 93.00 – Klangwelten #395 – 09.03.2021, 22:00
Played: Silent talks in dark corridors
Radio Regent – The Moderns – 07.03.2021
Played: Terraform Destroy All
RCV Lille 99.0 – El Réanimator #1378 05 mars 2021
Played: Terraform Destroy All
Radio Hannover 87.6 – Grenzwellen, 10.03.2021
Played: It´s a graveyard
The Parish News #234
Played: It´s a graveyard
Listen: www.mixcloud.com/TheParishNews/the-parish-news-234/